Parent Life reaches expectant and parenting teens and their children through intentional relationships with trained adults and community partnerships, empowering the teens to make good choices and encouraging them to further their education and move toward independent living and become life-long followers of Jesus Christ.
· A fun evening with friends who have similar experiences, delicious meals, useful information, and a creative outlet.
· Weekly Support groups - moms have the opportunity to attend weekly meetings with other teens to share their joys, fears and frustrations.
· Education – including Bible-based life lessons, guest speakers, parenting tips, cooking and crafting classes, small group discussions on real life topics, and more!
· Mentoring – individual support through trained adult volunteers.
· Special Events – special seasonal activities, outings, and celebrations
· Resources – baby care supplies, clothing, and referrals to community programs
· FREE dinner and childcare at meetings
Ways to be involved:
Pray: Join the Parent Life prayer team
Mentor: Meetings will be on 1st and 3rd Thursday nights. Mentors should also reach out to mentees to build relationships throughout the week.
Childcare Volunteer: Volunteers needed for the Thursday night meetings as well as during the days we host distance learning space. We provide childcare on site at the Youth for Christ Campus.
Drive teens and their babies to meetings and appointments as needed
Help with special events like field trips, holiday and special occasion parties. If you can drive, decorate, bake treats, help prepare the meal, take pictures, wrap Christmas gifts, etc. this is a "once in a while" opportunity for you to serve and make a difference.
Make Meals for moms and mentors during group meetings, for new moms after they give birth. This would be a great thing for your church small group, family or friend group to do.
Be a Speaker/Informational Presenter for a Thursday night meeting. This could be spiritual or practical classes.
Share your talents: Teach a craft or skill on site or in your home or workplace!
Promotions/Social media Volunteer: Create flyers, handouts, promotional material when needed and help keep the social media pages fresh and updated with fun content.
Sponsor special items for parents/baby when needs arise (Stoller, car seat, crib, etc…) Sponsor outings like camp or retreats.
Donate diapers and wipes, or $25 gift cards to Target, Wal-mart, or Aldi to help the teens with specific needs as they arise.
*These can be dropped of at YFC during business hours
If you are interested in getting involved or would like more information about parent life, please contact our office at (320) 235-0119 or email